Tuesday, 31 March 2009

And in case you forget THEY DID just take him!!!!
And the attempt to make them look like angieleles sucketh greatly
DUDE those liens suuuuuck
WHERE IS MY HAPPY ENDINGGGGG?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
hes off to new york and new york....

its on lafayette tsreet i <3 sookie
i solemly swaer tht when nc tells me sumwat WIIIIILD i wiull believe him

fffff was that a person in the cinema or or outside the house
eeeee love intrest!
dude i wanna live in america where the have biiiug uuus guns to use when there are creepy figures standing at the edge of the woods

or zombies

why dont he?
forgot to say am watching knowing on megavideo

sometimes (read:most of the time) watching vids like this suck minorly cos you can't SEE anythiing at night/in shadow/anything at all that isn't lit BRIGHTLY at least that is my excuse for thinking cloverfield sucked donkeys

but seriously i have no idea what the f is happening with the kiddie and that with the Awsum muzak is f. Reakin me out hole lotta

some times its fun not to read the wikipedia summary

only when i trust there to be a happy anding

i <3 nicholas cage

he no longer makes movies like leaving las vegas. i know he will not let me down.

how great was steve as the kiddy killer in con air? made me smile

VEEEEEEEENTing in progress...

Clueless, fun movie as it is, is indeed based on a novel by the late great Miss Austen

NOT Pride and Prejudice however


It's based on Emma. Cher doesn't have a mother looking for a husband for her duaghter/s, she is an awful MATCHMAKER who realises she is matchmaking her true love away from herself

Also i never likde Emma but I looooooved clueless

poor alicia silverstone, who, i don't think has hasd a decent job since


Sunday, 1 March 2009

And now he's a clown. With a very large hat.

i know what large shoes are supposed to be...any guesses on large hats?

Thursday, 26 February 2009

That wont kill hiim either

He coming back?


Don't turn around!!!

I Told you

Where in the flaming hockey stick do the get CLEAVERS from? Its a prison??
Not the -

I tried. *sigh*

he dress so gay in this

Sandman look worse from behind!!

is this poss?!
I miss Prison Break

Sarah was a GOOD doctor

JCVD seems a bit wimpy 2nite - all moany groany
I you can dodge a wrench

*laughing too much to type*
ooo he dead
Spurty Spurty Blood
OmeeGosh - Evil!Dr is ferengi man!!
It seems most of the time he's bald - but somehow the hair makes it worse - eep

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Just checked IMDB...

He plays a terminator in TSC Chronicles

But he's been in lots of cheesy shows I watch so my response must be ingrained through years of viewing

Thye just found out he's a cop and the LI is about to confess to the secret baddy

(More cliche breaking - the bald guy with facial hair ISNT the villain!!!!)
A new guy just appeared and he has the CREEPIEST face - I am SURE he's from a Hannibal the Cannibal film...
Words cannot express how disappointed I am that he is perched on top of an air vent and not hanging from the ceiling a la spidey

ITIHAP (IThinkIHaveAProblem)

JCVD again.

This might be becoming a problem...

Friday, 20 February 2009

geez louise that dirt is F. A. K. E.!
awww sappy moment...


there we go - obligatory smooch

off into the sunset now?
You can't make him go to jail after all that!
No cards of death yet...

Just threw him - yeah thought he wasn't dead yet, it was only a measly windshield...

Ah, as he expired a rain of cards fell from his hands...

not asleep yet

plus he has no mustache

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Still Fangirl-ing

It is soooo wrong for Captain Stottlemeyer to be the bad guy.
Also, the fact he keeps doing card tricks makes me see death by paper cut in his future...
Poor man.
Those things HURT

Mr Muscle

I have a horrible penchant for films with senseless and unnecessary violence
....a trait not shared by the rest of my acquaintance/family...
Explosions, Guns (yes, the kind that deserve a capital letter, *smirks*), Crocodile Dundee Knives, and common household implements used in unfortunate ways...

All this in spite of an embarrassing low squickyness threshold. Le sigh.
In the depths of my addiction I have even, and this is really shameful - *whispers*
I have even watched The Marine.
You can't get much lower than a WWE film. At least I hope not. It isn't merely lacking in plot - it's plot negative, it actually sucks bits out of your brain as you watch. In a fun, non permanent, way, honest.
I hope.

Which means my fondness for beefed up boys is still something of a guilty secret - well, almost.

Before you start commenting...
Not THAT beefed up - I hear things start to shrivel...
Only kidding! I mean, really, ew much?

This is more like it!
Ah, Vin Diesel

Lets take a moment to appreciate the pretty

Now we return to your scheduled broadcast
This hopefully goes some way to explain why I'm watching a Jean Claude Van Damme film where he just punched a snake out.
A Cobra
Imagine a Batman (Adam West!) style Kapow and you would not be far off

Guys are encouraged to supposed to be able to get in touch with their feminine side, so my getting in touch with my inner adolescent boy is really to be commended.
Okay so my excuses need to be a little more convincing, it's a work in progress, bear with me.

But really,
is it any surprise I totally

In Hard Target (and I quote) JCVD plays "an American merchant sailor [who] finds his martial arts skills tested to the limit when he investigates a group of sadistic hunters who stalk human quarry."
For real homies

Its vintage 1993, with JCVD looking like, well, this

You can't get the full impact of the matrixy coat that has Miami vice sleeves, but you do get to see !mullet. And children, isn't it worth it? Plus the token love interest has real honest to god eyebrows, a thing to be commended at all times.

(Is it obvious that I look like Groucho Marx? Although i can't wiggle them for toffee. My idols)
so much better than Phil Collins

While Chuck Norris is, well Chuck Norris, JCVD (has !mullet *snort*) studied ballet and he was in a Bob Sinclair video. Bob Sinclair's music is soooo H A P P Y H A P P Y I knoooow I am, I'm suuuuure I am, I'm H A P P YYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

er yes, suffice it to say it's rather cheery and he tangoes.
I also happen to heart Strictly Come Dancing
This fact may bias me when it comes to dance appreciation

But see for yourself
Lets spread the love for these aging 80s action stars people - their retirement funds are running L.O.W.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

And you thought things couldn't get better...

...check this out

I promise you won't regret it

It's like cute-overload, but, like live

x x x


Aww it's gone now... but thankfully I have found numerous other replacements to feed my addiction - just search for live (insert your animal of choice) feed

My new one is here


Tuesday, 20 January 2009


Is this not the best. t-shirt. in. the. world. EVER!?!

I think I'm in love
