Sunday, 10 August 2008

Hello World!

Hello World!

Aha! At last I have mastered the art of putting prettiful pictures in aesthetically pleasing places. In my opinion worthy of at least a small round of applause.

Thank you kindly

Without further ado (although you may notice I was feeling rather monochrome today) here is what I wore today:

Black Velvet Trousers (Next), Red or Dead Shirt (TKMaxx), Stripey Cardigan (Select), Black Hat (not the foggiest), Black Bangle (La Redoute) and my new favourite - it's just so deliciously yummy and shiiiiny - Black Heart Ring (Topshop)

I have to admit I have what probably amounts to an unnatural fondness for TKMaxx (Well, unnatural if you're my mother, and consider it one of the 7 circles of hell - she likes things neat, and on shelves. Pshaw, these old folks, what do they know about customer care?). Seriously though, this is quite possibly the best print, printed? Just check it out :-

See all the lovely pointy instruments of torture and/or death? THis is DEFINITELY what I will wear on my next trip to Murder and Mayhem, an amazing second hand bookshop, in the famous town of books (Hay-on-wye you philistines), that specialises in dectective/thriller/horror fiction. Why can't every bookshop have a themed interior? *sigh*

I previously mentioned I ADORE this ring. It's, like, prefect. Topshop's website, as fandabby as it is, is severely lacking in the accesory section - which I actually have to leave the house to get my shiny shiny goodies. Darn it. If however you fancy it quite as much as my humble self (doubtful as that is) and have similar agoraphobic tendancies, then there appears to be a similar version on Dorothy Perkin's website for the same grand price of £5. Phew.

My love of all things shiny confirmed, this "cardigan" from select was a poor second at £10, instead of the yummy £50 from PPQ at Oli . I swear it had chunky black and white stripes but the only version I can find now is this 80's 'tastic version

And no, I don't know why this one is lame while the other one was gorgiosity itself. Questions, questions, always with the questions.

Now here is one I can answer, as it is not quite as easy to phograph onself as it my seeme to the uniformed eye, my hat appears to be something of a dark halo. No my friends, I posess no angelic qualities, so to dispell any lingering illusion, here is my faithful assistant to model the said garment:

Doesn't she look grand - we even have matching accessories!


In case anyone wonders, yes, I am familiar with the warderobe of Fifi Lapin - she. is. my. idol. Why, oh why am I not furnished with such apparel?


Aren't you impressed that I managed to do the links too? Aren't you?!

Well, no, I haven't exactly checked them, as such...


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